Nunc Dimittis, 2021, paint, colored pencils, paper, wrapping paper, printed reproductions, and fabric, 41.5 x 29.5 in, 105.4 x 74.9 cm
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More about this work - Included are two images collected by my grandmother. A music teacher, she used clippings and items she saved to create bulletin boards in her schoolroom during the mid-1900s. The image of the mother and child is from an unknown periodical. On the back is a photo of a landscape with a description in German. The other photo is of an advertisement for Karo Syrup featuring the Dionne quintuplets. Born in Callander, Ontario, they were the first quintuplets known to have survived their infancy. Also included is wrapping paper that was collected and saved by my grandmother, in the mid-1900s.